If you have received an offer to study at the University you can defer your offer to a future intake of your choice via the Applicant Portal.
By doing this, your place will be transferred automatically to the next intake of your course. Please note that you may only defer an offer to a subsequent intake once. If you wish to defer on more than one occasion please discuss this with the admissions team (applications@salford.ac.uk).
To defer your place to a subsequent intake of your course, head to the 'My Applications' tab in the portal and click on the 'Decision & Response' button against the course you wish to defer.
From the Decision and Response pop-up window select 'Defer Offer'.
You will then be prompted to confirm you wish to defer the offer and you will be asked to provide a reason for your choice.
By doing this, your place will be transferred automatically to the next intake of your course. Please note that you may only defer an offer to a subsequent intake once. If you wish to defer on more than one occasion please discuss this with the admissions team (applications@salford.ac.uk).
To defer your place to a subsequent intake of your course, head to the 'My Applications' tab in the portal and click on the 'Decision & Response' button against the course you wish to defer.
From the Decision and Response pop-up window select 'Defer Offer'.
You will then be prompted to confirm you wish to defer the offer and you will be asked to provide a reason for your choice.